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Google maps and Its crusade against ordinary people.

Hello, friends from icy realms, this is Frost Dragon with the first honest review. Today we’re tackling Google and its hyper-correct robot police on Google Maps. Yes, it seems that even Google has been swept up in the wave of hyper-correctness, and its robots have declared war on us, ordinary people.

I’m sure that if robots had the ability to feel pride, they would be very proud right now. My reviews were blocked with a justification that would even do justice to a legal handbook. Twelve topics and around fifty sub-points explaining my ‘offenses.’

Yes, criticism is something that Google apparently considers more poisonous than cyber disinformation. But fear not, the icy Frost Dragon is here to keep the truth from freezing over. So, are you ready for another adventure in the land of hyper-correct Absurdistan? Let’s continue!

Reflection on the Problem.

It’s interesting that Google, a company known for its sophisticated algorithms and artificial intelligence, still can’t develop a system that specifically identifies what is ‘wrong’ in reviews. Instead, I was referred to an encyclopedic page with rules and guidelines worthy of a legal lexicon. The problem is that in most cases, my reviews were not even close to these guidelines.

So what is the value of a system that fails to recognize the actual problem, but rather bothers users with blanket accusations? It’s like someone giving you a speeding ticket without telling you how fast you were going. Not only does this undermine trust in the system, but it also discourages further use of the service.

Moreover, this inability of the system can lead to a number of problems:

  1. Reduced user trust: Who would want to use a system that can ‘punish’ you without a specific reason?
  2. Limitation of free speech: If censorship is carried out randomly or unclearly, users may feel restricted in their right to express their opinions.
  3. Delegitimization of valid reviews: When something is marked as a rule violation without reasonable explanation, it loses its weight and relevance.

So, dear readers, while Google Maps may be a great tool for navigation, when it comes to reviews, it might be time to look for alternatives. Because it seems that Google is not leading us in the right direction here.

What do you think? Do you think I hit the nail on the head, or did I freeze up in my analysis?

When Negative Reviews Make You a Criminal: How Google Turns Rules into Laws of Absurdity.

Ah, and now we come to the point that should really give Google cold feet – the purpose of negative reviews. Believe me, I don’t take pleasure in criticizing a business as if I’ve given it an icy shower. But the truth is, my negative reviews aren’t meant to send businesses on a slippery slope to demise. Rather, they are there to initiate dialogue, lead to improvements, and serve as a warning to others. Isn’t that what reviews should do?

Strangely, Google doesn’t notice when I give a business a full set of stars and write a sonnet full of praise. Yes, it does happen; even the icy ‘Mrazodrak’ has his warm moments. So, if I can freely praise, why should criticism be more or less ‘criminal’?

It’s like Google has created its own version of Orwell’s ‘1984,’ where all reviews are equal, but some reviews are ‘more equal’ than others. Negative reviews have become this new crime for which Big Brother – pardon me, I mean Google – can punish me at any time. In short, it’s time for Google to revise its review system before we all start calling it ‘Big Google’.

And so, dear readers, we remain vigilant and cautious, lest we violate Google’s ‘thought purity’ with a negative review. But fear not, the next time I have an astute observation or critical gem, I will certainly share it with you. Until then, stay frosty!

Behind Everything, Look for the Human: Why Does Google Choose Robots Over Human Reason?

And now we get to the crux of the matter, or in my case, the core of the iceberg. I understand that we live in an era where negative reviews have become a tool for extortion. Yes, there are people and even entire ‘review gangs’ that specialize in writing fake negative reviews to harm businesses, sometimes for extortion purposes, sometimes paid by competitors. In such cases, Google’s role as a guardian of justice is justified.

But here’s my question: isn’t this precisely what Google should be able to detect? It has sophisticated algorithms at its disposal! Fake reviews usually appear in large quantities and in a short time frame, which should be like finding a needle in a haystack for Google. So why are robots, with their high error rate, on the front line?

Example: Imagine a small family business that becomes the target of fake reviews. Instead of helping them, Google flags even legitimate negative reviews as problematic. It’s like firefighters coming to put out a fire and instead spraying water down the whole street.

Another example: You are a new business and you receive your first negative review. Instead of connecting you with the dissatisfied customer to resolve the issue, you receive a generic message about rule violations. How does that motivate you to improve?

Therefore, I suggest that instead of robots, operators who can better assess the situation and differentiate between legitimate criticism and extortion should take the helm. Before Google becomes the definitive Big Brother of all reviews, it might need to understand that in some cases, good old human interaction is irreplaceable.

One Star and I’m Silent: When Google’s Rules Create New Problems

Ah, now we come to the magic trick that Google may not have anticipated. The old saying goes, ‘when one door closes, another opens.’ So, in a time when writing negative reviews is a risky sport, some of us resort to alternative strategies.

Instead of telling you, dear business owners, what annoyed me more than an ice-cold shower in winter, I’ll give you one star. Yes, one single, miserable star. And you know what? You won’t even know why. Maybe you had a clumsy waitress, maybe the coffee was worse than melted ice slush. But you won’t find out, because Google has discouraged me from being specific.

This leads to another issue: businesses will suffer nonetheless, only it will be a sort of silent agony. Until someone provides me with an antidote, everyone will be left guessing what went wrong. And that’s hardly ideal, is it?

From all of this emanates something I would call ‘plain amateurism’ on Google’s part. Ironically, while trying to address the problem of false and problematic reviews, they are actually giving businesses a new puzzle: ‘The Mystery of the One Star.’ We now have a system that doesn’t solve the problem, but rather shifts it to another, even more uncertain stage.

So Google, here’s your star. And just like those businesses you’re trying to ‘protect,’ you won’t find out why I gave it to you.

One Star for Change: Let’s Reform Google Maps Reviews

If you agree that the review system on Google Maps needs improvement, take a small but significant step. Add one star to Alphabet Inc. on Amphitheatre Parkway in Mountain View, California, USA. With this simple act, you will show that you want change. #OneStarForChange

Update on Google Maps Critique: Battling the Bureaucratic Maze – January 13, 2024

In our ongoing adventure against the giant Google Maps, I turned to their technical support, hoping to find a solution to the removal of my reviews. The response from Google came quickly and politely, but again only referred to filling out another form – a typical example of the bureaucratic maze in which Google Maps users get lost. Unlike Microsoft, where communication with support at least has a hint of human interaction, Google seems to be more focused on automated processes rather than actually solving problems. Therefore, I urge you to join the #OneStarForChange campaign – not as an expression of hate, but as a call for change in a system where our criticism is taken seriously and doesn’t get lost in a digital ocean of impersonal forms.

Hi User,

Thank you for contacting Google Support. I hope you are staying safe and keeping well. This is Jiren from the Google support team and I am handling your concern today.

I see that your reviews have been removed.

I wish to inform you that the reviews submitted on Google are policy bound and in case of any violation, the same could be deleted.

However, I regret informing you that I’m unable to check the individual reviews submitted. Hence, I suggest you submit an appeal by filling this form which will be reviewed by our specialist team to help you with a response.

Please know that the investigation may take a while given that this team works claims in the order that we receive them, first in – first out, and we’re processing a large volume of claims.

Once a decision is made on your appeal, you’ll be notified of the decision. For more information, you could refer to the article Appeal Maps user-generated content policy enforcement actions.

We appreciate your patience and cooperation while we try to get this resolved for you.

In case of any other issues, feel free to reach us.

I hope this information helps you. Please let me know if you have concerns or questions, feel free to contact me.

Within 48 hours of our last interaction, you’ll receive a short survey via email. We’d love to hear your feedback about our interaction today and your overall experience with Google support.

Best Regards,
The Google Support Team

…The response from Jiren of the Google support team reminded me that even in the digital world, there exist labyrinths of bureaucracy where formalities swirl like a snowstorm. “Your reviews have been removed,” the email casually states, as if I had just lost a sock, not my freedom of speech. And the solution? Another form! Welcome to the absurd theater where every complaint is rewarded with a new round of paperwork. They claim to have so many requests that they will get to my case after some time. This leads me to ponder whether their system is not as perfect as they would like it to be, overwhelmed by a barrage of complaints from confused users. Jiren’s approach is reminiscent of a doctor prescribing paracetamol for a broken leg – kind but utterly missing the mark. So, dear readers, stay warm and remember, in the world of Google, every problem is just another opportunity to fill out a form.

And now to the pinnacle of irony: Jiren from Google support claims that my reviews have been removed, which apparently is just a polite metaphor for being invisible to others. It’s like someone telling you your house has disappeared, but in reality, it’s just covered with a tarp. And the best part? I still don’t know why my reviews were ‘removed’. I wonder if Google uses the same magic wand to erase reviews as certain company lawyers and marketing specialists do to create fake positive reviews that remain untouched. But when I write a critical review or a glowing five-star compliment, suddenly the algorithmic guardian of rules appears, and my reviews vanish like a magician’s rabbit. So yes, dear readers, in this digital theater of the absurd, where rules apply only to some, I’ve decided not to lose my sense of humor and to continue unveiling these magical tricks.

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